Australia has over 900,000km road network which is its largest publicly-owned infrastructure, with a replacement value between $200 and $300 billion. The government spends approximately $20 billion per year on roads and plans to invest more than $75 billion towards transport infrastructure across Australia over the next 10 years. Considering the increasing and extreme value of this important infrastructure, it is essential to manage these assets via an efficient asset management system established nationwide.
RMIT University has an established pavement research team led by Dr Dilan Robert, exploring efficient road asset management strategies and novel construction practices. Industry has shown enhanced interests on these innovative research practices through recently held workshops at RMIT.
CAMS team is now expanding its capacity on developing a new tool for road asset management based on novel research outcomes. The tool incorporates both deterministic and probabilistic assessment of road degradation prediction to determine service life and time-dependent condition ratings of sealed and unsealed roads. The model is also capable of facilitating investment decision making for asset managers by providing detailed analysis of whole-of-life-cycle costs for roads.CAMS team is now expanding its capacity on developing a new tool for road asset management based on novel research outcomes. The tool incorporates both deterministic and probabilistic assessment of road degradation prediction to determine service life and time-dependent condition ratings of sealed and unsealed roads. The model is also capable of facilitating investment decision making for asset managers by providing detailed analysis of whole-of-life-cycle costs for roads.